27 December 2010
Last Minute Reprieve
26 December 2010
My First White Christmas
06 December 2010
About this time every year—at least here in the Northern Hemisphere—it gets cold. To most thinking people this climate change comes as no surprise. The mercury drops naturally in late autumn into winter. This would seem logical to most people. That is what we call “common sense.” The news media treats the transition as if this is something completely novel. This morning I was watching my local ABC affiliate pronouncing, “It’s cold, but it’s really colder than that.” What on Earth does that mean? Yeah right, Wind Chill Factor must have been the meaning of this charming non sequitur. Give me a break. I know it is cold; just walk outside.
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle Weblogs. All rights reserved.
02 December 2010
Get a Job, the Final Chapter
A short while back in the Whistle I wrote about a job interview that I participated in. It has come to my attention that the individuals who interviewed me for the position had done very few, if any, of these sessions where a panel of four would ask questions. They were pre-written inquiries that each department head asked. With due respect to the job, its requirements were less of a challenge to me than almost anything I had ever done. I believed that the job would be a shoo-in.
My qualifications were more than enough. My answers were quick, concise and honest. But the company, call them “Acme”, went another direction. They didn’t even have the courtesy of a return phone call. In times past, I was on the other side of the interview being the one who hired. My training dictated that we remain neutral during the process—not giving up hope or despair to an interviewee, no matter how good or bad he seemed. We were instructed to say to each applicant at the close, “Thank you for coming in, we are interviewing others and we will make a decision soon. If you have not heard from us in five days then assume that we decided to hire someone else.” That is one policy my former employer got right. Finding a good job seems impossible these days. Acme Corp needs to get their act together. In fact, corporate America should invest in the best person for the job without regard to age (especially) or any other factor. I say damn the quotas! Get some experienced individuals in position.
Now I’ll step down off my Acme® Soap Box.
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle Weblogs. All rights reserved.
30 November 2010
What Now?
Here we are at the end of another month. My, time flies. Keeping up a daily blog is a chore this time of year. I feel like it is in a constant state of development and evolution. Right now, I am considering 2011 and how the Peanut Whistle will change. One thing is for sure; we will become a more “general interest” weblog. Along with my original Aircheck blog this little enterprise will have a broader appeal relying less on themes that had previously captured my attention. True to my nature, this blog will reflect my own constant flux. I have gone through many phases and suppose this won’t change as I mature.
Stay tuned
©2010 The Peanut Whistle weblogs. All rights reserved.
15 November 2010
Mugshot Bull
For the last decade and a half, I have worked in specialty retail wearing many hats. Most of that time was spent as a manager of some of craziest characters around. In 2007, One particular individual stands out. This guy named Richard, 81 and still working, claimed to have spent his youth running Prohibition Era booze for Al Capone then dashing off to WWII, having lied about his age.
His stories were very entertaining. Looking back, my research (and some basic math) have proved that the gangster stories, at least, were apocryphal. You see, Capone was active from the early 1920’s until 1931. If my friend was 81 that means he was born in 1926, making him five when the Boss of the Chicago Outfit was imprisoned. Unless Richard was Indiana Jones and Forrest Gump rolled up into one, his stories just do not add up. By the way, I have some beach front property in Nevada to sell.
Stay tuned.
©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle Weblog. All rights reserved.
11 November 2010
Get a Job, Part 2
The recession has done a number on each of us. In years past many found work quite easily. Many of us in our prime are faced with taking jobs for which we are way overqualified. And recently, I heard of new college grads taking starter jobs that would seem beneath us a generation ago. I do not envy these kids. A degree is no guarantee (to coin a phrase.) I entered the job market during a recession. Fortunately, we had Ronald Reagan to rescue us.
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle Weblogs. All rights reserved.
10 November 2010
My Story
Here is a article written in 1966 from an Atlanta newspaper by a friend of my dad’s. It gives some background into my story. It is clippings such as these that provide some great family history research for my book project (in the making.) View and download here.
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle Weblogs. All Rights reserved.
08 November 2010
Little Peanuts
Last weekend was a blast! The kids had the best Halloween, ever. With the three youngest ones now all old enough to truly enjoy the holiday, they have really been a pleasure to watch. First on Saturday, the 30th was dress up for “Trunk or Treating”; then, on the 31st they found a—ahem—well to do neighborhood for traditional “trick-or-treating”. They all made out like bandits. Special thanks go to our 15 year old who helped mom get them there.
Our middle daughter was positively giddy going as Frenchy from her favorite movie, Grease. Our boy and baby girl were a hit as Mario and Luigi from the popular Mario Bros. Nintendo video games.
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle Weblogs. All rights reserved
07 November 2010
Peanut Promo
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden, The Peanut Whistle Weblogs. All rights reserved.
06 November 2010
A Thousand Views
For many of you keeping track—and it’s really sad if you have—the YouTube video tour of one of my radio homes has reached well over 1,000 views. Link on over to my channel, Jim O’Neal has added a couple new videos there. Here’s to a million!
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle Weblogs. All rights reserved
05 November 2010
©2010 Neal Rhoden, The Peanut Whistle Weblog. All rights reserved.
03 November 2010
Click to Play
30 October 2010
Big State, Little Store
28 October 2010
The Beatles of Gospel
“It was twenty years ago today,
Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play
They've been going in and out of style
But they're guaranteed to raise a smile.
So may I introduce to you
The act you've known for all these years,
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.”
27 October 2010
Light Chop on the Inland Waters
24 October 2010
Lazy Sunday
I was very surprised this morning when I checked the statistics for our companion blog, Gospel Aircheck. It has seen the single biggest jump in readership since I started the dang thing 19 months ago. The funny thing is that we have no idea how that happened. The only difference is that more audio clips have been featured. Maybe it is due to offering more frequent posts. Just how big a jump, you ask? Well, about 50 times the readers on average over the last two days alone! The amount of new international guests to the site is staggering—many of them from countries that are traditionally non-English speaking. Internet discovery is a very tricky thing; you can’t make people find you. I think it’s luck. Here’s to many more posts to come.
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle blog. All rights reserved.
16 October 2010
Wings Over Atlanta
Every other year Dobbins Airforce Reserve base in nearby Marietta, Georgia, puts on an awesome air show. In 2008 we didn’t get to attend the show, but living within a few miles of the base we were able to get a glimpse of the jets’ acrobatic displays. I was very excited this year when my son, Luke, went with me to get up close to the action. The best thing of all, the show was free. My best buddy and I packed our lawn chairs 7:00 this morning and bounded for Wings Over Atlanta. Off site parking was available with free shuttle buss service to the base. I had not seen the Navy Blue Angels since 1979 when I was 13, so I was probably more excited than my 6 year old.
The first show was at 10:00. It turned out to be only a preview. The Blue Angels would not perform until 3:00 in the afternoon. Luke had become bored by this time, so we left and were shuttle-bussed back to our car by noon. The show we saw did not compare to the one I attended in ‘79, but Luke was thrilled nevertheless. We had a great time. I missed the Blue Angels this time; we’ll try again in 2012.
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.
11 October 2010
Get a Job
This weblog provides a great hobby for me. But, it does not pay the bills. I’m ok with that. With my last little one in school Mister Mom is compelled to go back into the workforce.
A couple of years ago Angie and I decided to switch roles. She would work while I kept our four babies in check at home. Guys, being a house-husband is not easy! On Monday I reported for an interview that I believe will produce a j-o-b for this blogger.
I have worked most of my teens and all my adult life, so returning to work should be a breeze. The thing is this is only the second time I have had a panel interview. The company that is considering me had four, count them four, supervisors drill me on work related questions. None of the inquiries were yes/no, I was expected to give in depth essay answers. when I was younger thinking on my feet was second nature. The problem is that a majority of my days are spent with the kids. I have fallen out of practice conversing with adults. Quickly I acclimated to their questions: I felt grown-up again. We’ll see…
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle blog. All Rights reserved
06 October 2010
Bye Bye Bell
Call me an old fogey, but I just don’t understand what is all the hubbub about phones these days? I just want to talk. I don’t need my telephone to take pictures, display email or repave the driveway. I remember a time when only private eyes, doctors and rich guys in Rolls Royce Silver Shadows had a mobile phone, now everybody has a cell (unrelated to the old fashioned mobile phone.) The first cellular phones were the size of a small suit case; thank God for miniaturization.
Although I got my first cell phone in ‘96, I’ve been resistant to getting on the “smart phone” bandwagon. And, I have refused to let go of my landline—until now.
Angie and I have agreed to drop landline service forever and go total wireless. Now you can have a home phone and a cell through Bluetooth® technology. New to me is a base unit phone that has two extensions than run via your wireless provider as long as your Bluetooth enabled phone is within range. So cutting the cord will be less painful. Now this old fogey can talk on a conventional home set (with talking caller ID, mind you) while permanently freeing myself of Ma Bell.
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.
04 October 2010
Z Marks the Spot
“Lock it in and rip the knob off!” Clever imaging, listenable music, and personalities characterized my favorite radio station as a 1980’s teenager, Z-102 WZAT in Savannah, Georgia. I have written about this station previously in a post called “Breakfast with Burl.” The FM station began life in 1971 as a top 40 automated station. Many FM stations began this way as an offshoot of a more popular AM sister. In those days AM was king. FM was merely a curiosity. By the early 80’s AM music formats almost disappeared having been dethroned by its protégé, FM.
It was during this time I really got into listening to popular music and Z-102 was the station I tuned my Walkman to most. The station was unstoppable in the market and constantly led in the ratings. Now, in an unprecedented boneheaded move, the current owners have decided to drop music and go all sports. It has been at least 16 years since I last visited the area and heard the station live. Through the magic of the Internet I have occasionally listened to their stream. What a waste of a huge signal. Just a bit of my youth is gone. Rest in Peace Z.
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.
02 October 2010
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden, The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.
01 October 2010
Rock On
Welcome to October or as I like to call it, ROCKtober.
Yesterday I rambled on about my first encounter with the Compact Disc. Although every effort has been made to proofread each post, sometimes an error will slip through. Previously I wrote:
“Christmas 1982 the audiophile community was all abuzz over the shiny 12 millimeter disk that would revolutionize sound forever.”
The date is correct, but it should have read “12 centimeter disk.” Recalling the original press reports of 1982, designers of the CD made the disks 12 centimeters as an homage to the 12 inch Long Play vinyl record album. Further, they made the 74 minute capacity of the CD standard length because it is roughly the length of Beethoven's fifth symphony, which was very popular among the Japanese, who through Sony partnered with Phillips to invent Compact Discs.
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle blog. All rights reserved.
30 September 2010
Ones and Zeros
Christmas 1982 the audiophile community was all abuzz over the shiny 12 millimeter disk that would revolutionize sound forever. The CD or, as originally known the Digital Audio Compact Disc, was billed by Sony and others as “perfect sound forever” and I had to have one. By 1983 I was in the showroom of my local high end audio shop Audio Outlet. I was 17 and newly employed so all I could afford then was only a listen. CD players cost as much as my first car and CD’s themselves were about 18 bucks so buying one was not feasible. The technology was so new that most people would have to wait at least a decade before CD’s would be common in homes and 15 years, the late 90’s, before most cars were equipped with players.
Looking back on 1983 at my first audition, I didn’t believe my ears. The sound of instruments was clear and distinct with life like separation as though the musicians were actually performing live. I forgot that I was listening to a recording and transcended to a different setting altogether. As good as that first session was, none of the music I liked was yet available on the new format so I had to continue buying vinyl for a while. As much as I wanted one I told the eager salesman that “My ears loved it but my pocketbook couldn’t take it.” It would be four more years before I got my first CD player. That was 1987 and CD’s were still about $18 a piece, worth every penny however scarce. As time progressed the hardware and software became much cheaper. For me, though, recording digitally on CD was only a pipe dream. My hobby, and by then profession, was recording. I did everything in an analog world.
The best thing about digital sound is not what it adds it is in what is missing. Freedom from noise, tape hiss, immeasurable wow and flutter, extended frequency response and wide dynamic range are all earmarks of the CD. Many sound enthusiasts claim that digital sound is harsh and bemoan the loss of what analog added to the signal. Most call this “warmth.” Modern recording engineers agree that analog is better and attempt to replicate the sound in software. I would have seen this trend as a step backward in my youth, although now I appreciate both approaches to recording sound.
Analog reminds me of how 35mm film makes an image warm and inviting while digital is akin to the look of live video, realistic and stark. Both technologies continue to coexist. Since no technology really is “perfect forever” blending both is the way to go. The best attribute of digital is its ability to archive without any loss of quality on the shelf. Analog tape, on the other hard, degrades over time. Cassette tapes, especially, lose high frequency content over time. That is why I have been transferring my analog originals to digital with a few recordings made into CD’s. Most of the transfers exist on my hard drive. I began my digital migration in 1995 with the now defunct Sony Mini Disc then to CD and finally Mp3 files. A Peanut Whistle subscriber has suggested that I transfer my dad’s old recordings to CD. Thanks, I’m way ahead of you. I’ve been doing just that for the past 15 years.
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.
28 September 2010
File Under: Audio
20 September 2010
This is the Spot
Welcome to the best kept secret on the Internet—my weblog known as the Peanut Whistle!
Try not to keep it under wraps too long. Looking at the statistics for my blog they show a either a flat or very slow growth. If you have enjoyed reading my posts, please comment. Remember I am a big boy, so if you haven’t enjoyed it, comment as well. I have allowed our domain name to expire due to lack of readers. The blog has returned to its former Blogspot address. Right now you are invited to catch up on the blog by scanning the archive for posts that you may have missed. Thanks…
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden. the Peanut Whistle blog. All rights reserved.
12 September 2010
Today in Yesterday
Previously on the peanut Whistle…
I found the song, inspired by the Lennon and McCarthy original Yesterday, called Calvary. The Winans rearranged the words in a delightful gospel version to the unmistakable tune of the Beatles classic. It seems that the family of singers had grown up singing it, but, to the best of my knowledge had not recorded it. In the early 90’s the entire Winans family, including Bebe and Cece, were special guests on the Oprah Winfrey Show Christmas special. I thought they had sang without musical accompaniment although there was a grand piano providing the music. See the very brief video on YouTube, just search “Winans – Calvary”.
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle Blog. All rights reserved.
10 September 2010
“Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they’re here to stay
Oh, I believe in Yesterday”
—McCartney & Lennon, The Beatles, 1965
My favorite Beatles song has the most cover versions of any song ever written according to Guinness Book of World Records. One particularly good version of the song is a gospel interpretation that I heard one day about 20 years ago on the Oprah Winfrey Show. As far as I know, it was never recorded. The very popular group, The Winans were guests on the show one day. In the episode one of the Winans brothers sang the tune a cappella. It was a gorgeous version of the song retold as a salvation story. One of these days I hope to find it.
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.
08 September 2010
Muzac of Your Life
03 September 2010
Mr. Microphone
02 September 2010
It's All About me
30 August 2010
Parental Musing
Usually when someone says, “I know what you’re going through,” there is no possible way he can without experiencing it. For example, when I was much younger I would hear parents complain about their kids’ destructive uncooperative behavior. Up until that time my only experience with raising kids was watching my sister babysit. Now with four children of my own I fully understand what other parents go through. I comprehend the mysteries of child rearing in a way that was impossible as a single when I empathized but lacked any depth of experience.
As a child I fought—sometimes literally—with my siblings. Now I am getting back the behaviors in my own young ones. A lesson that I have learned: yelling does not work. Each child is an individual and responds differently to correction. I am increasingly more aware of this as we raise our four. Keeping mindful that most kids aim to please; these little folks have fragile egos as well, so handle with care. Since becoming aware of these principles I have seen subtle, but appreciable changes in all our babies. It seems obvious now: my behavior effects theirs in every way. Now if we could solve the bedtime blues.
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.
29 August 2010
The Blog Beat
02 August 2010
Daddy Daycare
Man, with the economy in the dump how does anyone, of a certain [middle] age, get a job? God only knows. If I hadn’t been depressed before, then the time is now. Strangely enough, I am not. The cure for my melancholy moods has seemed to be effective for over eight months. The answer: stay busy. The summer has been a blast with the kids; water parks and all sorts of amusement has kept us busy. Now it’s time for a new school year. My first and second graders are eager to get started. I never enjoyed school; maybe they get their smarts from Mom.
Whatever the case may be, I am so proud of all my kids: ages 4 to 15. I have three beautiful girls and one rambunctious boy. Now that all but the four year old have returned to their studies, I am getting back to The Peanut Whistle and my endless search for a job. I am a full time Mister Mom. What’s next?
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden and The Peanut Whistle. All right reserved
01 July 2010
Roughing It
Oh how spoiled we have become in this modern age! For a few days I have been borrowing high speed internet from the public library and other municipal services that provide free Wi-Fi. God forbid I have to leave the house to get my Internet fix. Right now we’re stuck with dial-up Web. That was ok 10 years ago when no one had high-speed—but, come on.
Fitting nicely in my intent to become more active—or maybe yet another hinderance—mobile Internet allows me to see the outside world while not missing my electrronic “friends.” A few months back, in the Spring, I coined a new term for myself—eBreak—which is a vacation from all electronic devices: cell phones, computers, the Internet. My eBreak was an amazing success. For an entire week I abstained from all eMails, Facebook and other electronic distractions that had begun to overwhelm me. I highly recommend an eBreak to everyone. It’s just about time for another. Incidently, for my car guy friends: I know that an e-brake is shorthand for emergency brake, but my new word is spelled b-r-e-a-k; just so you’ll know.
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden, the Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.
28 June 2010
04 June 2010
The New Thirty
01 June 2010
30 May 2010
A DJ Saved My Life
29 May 2010
Radio on TV
“Baby if you ever wondered / Wondered whatever became of me / I'm livin' on the air in Cincinnati / Cincinnati WKRP.”
Over 40? You remember the show in first run like I do or maybe you became a fan later in re-runs on TV Land. Whatever the case WKRP in Cincinnati is one of my favorite TV shows about radio.
At the start of my radio career the show was still on CBS and I'd often compare the situations and characters to real life at my little dysfunctional radio family. There was a Mr. Carlson, a real life Venus Fly Trap, a Herb Tarlek and a few mini Doctor Johnny Fever's running around. We even had our version of the Loni Anderson character, the hot receptionist Jennifer Marlowe. Never mind who took on which role; the show was spot-on with realistic social interaction.
While WKRP was somewhat accurate in its depiction of radio culture I thought the equipment props and the way the actors handled the technical details of broadcasting fell short. It's a silly quibble―I know―the show is dang funny and makes up for these “short-comings.”
WKRP basis was a real radio station, my hometown, Atlanta's WQXI-AM. Their “Skinny” Bobby Harper was the Dr. Johnny Fever prototype. WQXI (known locally as “Quixie in Dixie”) was a popular Top-40 outfit in the late 60' and early '70's. Many of the episodes are based on actual events experienced by series creator, Hugh Wilson, former Atlanta ad man.
That brings me to wonder what other shows that I can remember that had radio themes. Most obvious is Frasier on 11 seasons with NBC. With a much more high brow appeal than 'KRP, the series chronicles the life of psychiatrist / radio talk show host Frasier Crane played by Kelsey Grammer. The show had some of the best written episodes of any show, period. It remained an excellent example of great TV and proved consistent over all eleven seasons. What I loved about Frasier was that it involved more than just radio related themes with deep character development and very funny situations. The production values were unequaled and satisfied my technical side with real identifiable radio equipment props that satisfied the techno geek in me.
This is far from an exhaustive survey of TV shows about radio; I've only touched on two. Others that come to mind are: News Radio on NBC in the mid-90's staring Saturday Night Live alum Phil Hartman who was murdered in 1998 by his wife in real life. (The show only lasted one more season following his untimely death. It was never again the same without his comic genius.) A 2008 show on CBS; Gary Unmarried, involves recently divorced Gary Brooks, played by Jay Mohr, who finds himself switching careers from a house painter to his dream job as host on an all-sports station. Unfortunately, the show has been canceled by CBS despite well written scripts and a great cast. It's all about the ratings, baby!
Stay tuned
Coming soon to the Peanut Whistle "E-Man: A DJ Saved My Life": How my first radio home dealt with two radio stations of opposed formats crammed into one facility and my inauspicious introduction to "E93"
©2010 Neal Rhoden, The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.
26 May 2010
Radio Reflections
![]() |
The author c.1987 |
25 May 2010
More Freebies
Stay tuned
©2010 Neal Rhoden, The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved
24 May 2010
Deal Me!

The butterflies abated at show time; I was once again in my element, although this type of audience participation show never entered my repertoire until then. I brought along my "Traveling Microphone" (thanks Paul Harvey) to get that larger than life blast out to the traders.
I think we surprised everyone who once thought I was an unassuming bench warmer in the church that hosted the game show fund raiser. I noticed a few puzzled faces in the crowd trying to reconcile that voice with my face.
Our "Monty Hall" was one of our regular musicians in the church who is used to the live audiences and is not shy. He kept the crowd well entertained with deals donated from some of our local businesses. Of course I provided the Jay Stewart to his Monty Hall. We referred to each other by our new found stage names. One thing I learned: the TV pros make it look much easier than it is.
It was all in good fun, though. We'll need some tweaking before it's ready for prime time.
Stay tuned
©2010 The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.